Monday, January 11, 2016

Supreme Leader Snoke and Other Star Wars Theories!!!

So..... it's time to start talking about the rise of Supreme Leader Snoke. In Star Wars episode VII, we saw the newest villains of the galaxy and yeah, there will be SPOILERS here because it's been 23 days since the release and everyone has seen it right? Yes obviously. Kylo Ren was not a mind blowing character except for the fact that his power in the force is incredibly strong. Snoke, on the other hand, was bringing up some major questions to the plot of the saga.
1. Who is he?
2. Did anyone else get have that "ahh" moment when you realized he wasn't a giant because he was a hologram for the entire movie?
3. What is his plan? Death Star number 3 maybe?

To answer the first question, let me take you to two different theories that are both strangely plausible. Of the two theories, this one might be the least plausible... Snoke is Darth Vader! I knew it couldn't be a possibility but this photo changed my mind. For the record, I don't want Snoke to be Vader! Once you see someone's force ghost, it's a done deal people.

From the front, Snoke looks human in species and the scars are strikingly on point. Great scar on the head and on the left cheek. I hate this photo because of the fact that we had closure on his death and now we will have to relive it all while he continues training his grandson. Ugh...

This is the only evidence I have to support Darth Vader as the almighty Supreme Leader Snoke. It would also explain his interest in Kylo. Anyway, I digress.... So a few days after the movie, I stumble upon this theory, Snoke is Darth Plagueis. Watch this video here and it will blow your mind grapes! Why would John Williams compose the same score for two different scenes, in two different movies? Same music, but the score for episode III is called Darth Plagueis. The score for episode VII is called Snoke. Based on the info from episode III, Snoke trained Darth Sidious and he could manipulate midichlorians to create life. Therefore, Sidious may have thought he killed his master, but come on... anyone that can bring someone back to life would obviously find a way to do it for themself, making them immortal.

But what if we put both theories together? Snoke trained Sidious who in turn trained Anakin. If Sidious taught everything he knew to Anakin, then we are back to square one with Anakin becoming Snoke. This next photo is the cover art of the novel Darth Plagueis which tell of the time he had Sidious as an apprentice. As soon as I get my hands on it, I'm going to read it. There are only a handful of theories out there about this mysterious new villain but when looking at the evidence, Plagueis seems like the more obvious choice. I'm going to stand behind this theory until I find more evidence and info because the novel has now become cannon by LucasArts.

Anyway... On to more theories! How about the heritage of Rey? Obviously not the daughter of Han and Leia. Why would there be a big deal about Kylo being their son but not even a wince when Han and Leia see Rey? I believe we will be having a "Rey... I am your father" moment from the great Luke Skywalker. Am I right? We know she's a Skywalker because of her discovery of Luke's lightsaber at Maz Kanata's cantina. Perhaps the falling out that Luke had was from the event that Kylo, probably called Ben at the time, became so full of anger and darkness that he may have seriously hurt someone or threatened Rey and so Luke had to hide her on Jakku. Kylo portrayed an awful lot of hate and rage towards Rey in episode VII because she was in possession of BB-8? I'm pretty sure he knows exactly who she is and his lost fit of jealously has been upheaved for the new epic.
If Luke is Rey's father, who is her mother? Remember when Anakin turned to the dark side? He rage killed! He killed so many people and Jedi. And don't forget all the children! If you go to the dark side, you are a display pure evil. What if Kylo killed Rey's mother? A pretty logical reason for Luke to go into exile and for him to hide Rey on Jakku so that he would not be able to find her. So now we wait for all these questions to be answered...

May the force be with you!

Theories, theories, theories. And the best one of them all can be found right here!!!!! CLICK THIS LINK FOR THE BEST CONSPIRACY THEORY IN THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE!


Monday, May 25, 2015

"Black Mass"

Right now I'm pretty excited. Why? The new Johnny Depp film that no one seems to know about called Black Mass. I first caught wind of this movie several months ago when looking up the upcoming projects for Benedict Cumberbatch. The title in and of itself doesn't tell us anything about what it's going to be about, so I have done some research...

On IMDB you'll find that this is the true story of Whitey Bulger, the brother of a state senator and the most infamous violent criminal in the history of South Boston, who became an FBI informant to take down a Mafia family invading his turf. Now, there's nothing better than a biopic filled with a superstar cast including: Johnny Depp, Benedict Cumberbatch, Dakota Johnson, Kevin Bacon, Corey Stoll, Adam Scott, and more.

So who is this Whitey Bulger? Most of my generation would not recognize this name, or his story. However, it's a great one to be told. By now, we know he was a straight up gangster but what makes him so interesting is that he lived his ENTIRE life as one. Born in 1929 he became a criminal by age 14 and never got any better, socially that is. Criminally, he became a master. At the opposite end of the Bulger family table, his little brother William Bulger (Benedict Cumberbatch) went on to serve as the President of the Massachusetts Senate with the longest term in U.S. history, and President of the University of Massachusetts. From 1975-1990 Whitey served as an FBI informant all the while building up his own criminal regime. If you have ever seen The Black List with James Spader, it's just like that. Crime boss, FBI's most wanted list, FBI informant, all the while committing and planning five steps ahead of everyone else. Criminal geniuses! But they shouldn't be praised. Guys like Whitey and Raymond Reddington are ruthless killers, only Whitey is not fictional. He lived a life on the run and in August 2013, he was found guilty of federal racketeering, extortion, conspiracy and 11 murders. He was charged for 19 murders but only convicted of the 11 in court. His brother William had to resign his seat in the Senate because he would not testify in court that he had contacted the then fugitive and #2 most wanted man on the FBI's Most Wanted Man in 1999 just below #1 Osama bin Laden.

Directed by Scott Cooper (Crazy Heart and Out of the Furnace) this film is slated to appear September 18th of this year but with all the events that he encountered, I'm still trying to find out what crimes the story will be centered around. Maybe it will give us a glimpse of everything or possibly just the time that he was a fleeing fugitive and William resigned from office. There family was Irish-Roman catholic and I'm still trying to figure out the relevance of the title. The word Mass makes me refer to their catholic origins, but Black is throwing me off. I'm sure the film will explain but I'm very curious to see what all is in store for this movie.

Check out the trailer HERE


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

In case you missed it: Meshing "The Hobbit" and "The Office"

Ever wanted to know what would happen if you mixed The Office (U.K.) and The Hobbit??? Here ya goes!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Done with Gone Girl

I'm just going to start by saying I did not like Gone Girl. This film featuring Ben Affleck, Rosamond Pike, and Neil Patrick Harris was not short of great performances by any means. Rosamond was even nominated for an academy award for best actress in this film, but it simply comes down to the fact that it was an hour too long. That being said, the whole story would have changed. We find out that Nick, played by Affleck, was actually the victim of Rosamund's character, Amy Dunne. We are expected to believe for a while that Nick killed Amy but then we obviously find out her little scheme. It should have ended there. At this point in the film, we hated Nick and how he treated Amy in the later years of their marriage and she just wanted a way out. Imagine the ultimate revenge against him would have been plotting your own murder and him getting framed for it. In the scene where we see her driving off into the sunset and she starts unfolding everything that happened to her, just imagine the movie ending right there. It would have been such an amazing plot twist that Alfred Hitchcock himself would have turned over in his grave. I mean I sat there watching this movie with my sister and we both agreed that the ending to this movie was psychotic. Is is supposed to be that way? Definitely. It
is solely based off of Gillian Flynn's novel of the same title. I just can't stop thinking about how awesome this story could have been if it ended an hour earlier. Amy would be a hero to women across America who have been abused by their husbands! There would be an epidemic of women trying to send their husbands to jail for their murder. Maybe that's far fetched but who knows in this day and age. Anyway, I feel like this story was meticulously drawn out into a beautiful crystal vase only to be knocked down and broken into a million skin slicing pieces and we are left to bleed across the floor. Flynn is a critically acclaimed writer and I'm sure the movie does not give the book any justice, but I'm a watcher and I would like to see more of her novels come to the silver screen... so long as they don't get weirdly psychotic at the end. I mean who stays with their wife when you know that she murdered some other guy and ruined another guy's life? That part just doesn't make any sense. I demand a new ending and since that isn't going to happened I get to put my big spiel online for no one to read anyway. As always, I recommend everyone to check this movie out and create your own opinion.


Monday, December 15, 2014

My Night With Colin Firth

There comes a time in one's life that I believe you
have to spend an entire night watching chick flicks. Tonight was the night and it just so happened to be
with a beautiful trio of Colin Firth films. Consequently, two of them involved the lovely Hugh Grant, and two of them the grim Alan Rickman.  I started my evening with the movie Love Actually. This film was filled with beautiful actors and actresses like Bill Nighy, Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Andrew Lincoln (Rick from The Walking Dead), Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, Keira Knightley, Martin Freeman, and for some comic relief from the romantics, Rowan Atkinson. This movie was in perfect timing for Christmas but it got me in the mood for more Colin Firth movies.

So, I streamed onto Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. As I'm writing this I had just found out that this is the sequel to Bridget Jones's Diary and it made sense to me why I didn't know the backstory on Bridget and Mark's relationship. However, BRIDGET JONES IS MY HERO! Everything about this movie was fantastic. First of all, you have Colin, then you have Rene Zellweger's spinster character that any woman living a strong independent life strives not to be. I have to admit, Bridget is kind of this ditzy character that can't seem to make it on her own emotionally, but she keeps the attention of literally everyone around her. If there is one thing that I found wrong with this movie, it's how everyone constantly nagged her about her weight. Why? She was in no way overweight. She is full of life and energy that her weight is the last trait that anyone should have noticed. In the end, I thought she was going to end up with Hugh Grant's character but no. I definitely need to watch the first movie to better understand these characters but hey, I was only in it for Firth.

I finished that movie around 3 A.M. and decided to keep going for another Firth movie to add to my mental library. This time I decided to watch Gambit considering the fact that The King's Speech wasn't on Netflix. This crime comedy that I will now refer to as a crimedy was fun. I love little independent movies like this that have strong actors such as Firth, Rickman, Cameron Diaz and Stanley Tucci. It reminds me of my all time favorite crimedy, Flypaper. I have had this on my mental but not physical watch list. I haven't seen a Cameron Diaz movie that I have not enjoyed so with a roundup like this, I knew I had to finally watch it. Although the plot isn't as clever as Flypaper, it was original and hilarious to see Colin as the low man on the totem pole and Rickman as Colin's over-exaggerated pompous boss... and well Diaz with her over-exaggerated Texan accent. I don't want to spoil what happens even though it was unexpectedly expected. Diaz and Firth made for a great duo that continued to thrill till the end.
Watching all of these films so late at night was worth it because it is getting me hyped for this coming February when Firth debuts his new film,  Kingsman: The Secret Service. After watching the trailer for this, words cannot express my level of excitement. In the photo on the left is something I have been looking at on display at my local theatre and at first glance, it doesn't tell you much. For a few months all I knew from this was the title but then a few weeks ago I finally found the trailer and it makes more sense. The lineup in this movie is impeccable ranging from Firth to the ever-so-classy Michael Caine, and then to the soulful Samuel L. Jackson. To get you just as pumped as I am, I highly recommend watching the trailer I have inserted for you here. Click it!!!


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Murderlicious Theories

This fall season has brought back some of television's greatest shows but it has also found some of the next greatest series. My favorite shows like Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Blacklist, and more have already hit like a bang, but my new favorite show has to be How to Get Away with Murder.
I want to dive right into some of the plot points that have made this show so very interesting to me. First of all, the first three episodes have all started out with the same theme, a college pep rally-bon fire. Knowing the title of the show, I knew there would be a body in that fire, however, we haven't seen that happen yet.
Next, the "murdered girl" Lola hasn't been verified as the dead girl in the water tank. Secondly, we know that the murder that the interns are trying to get away with is in fact Sam Keating, the husband of Viola Davis' character, Annalise Keating. We also know that Wes Gibbins' neighbor, Rebecca has been arrested for the murder of the "missing girl" Lola, but according to the foreshadowing scenes, the interns were covering up for Rebecca because she may have been the one that actually killed Mr. Keating. The first episode only shows us that there was someone murdered and that Annalise's interns were the ones trying to cover it up and destroy all the evidence along with the body. We didn't learn who was killed until the second episode. Along with that information, we see that the Keating's are having trouble in their marriage, Rebecca more than likely killed him, and we are still trying to learn where Lola is.

The plot of this show has already become pretty complex after just three episodes but things are slowly starting to unravel after each episode. From what I've seen so far, I have a few theories of how this show might go along...
1. Rebecca is actually Lola.
2. Mr. Keating had an affair with "Lola" and after something went wrong, she murdered him.

We know that Mr. Keating has had a problem in the past with his students and it comes as no surprise to Annalise to think that her husband had an affair with Lola. However, we are missing a connection between Rebecca and Mr. Keating and why she would have to murder him. It only makes sense to me that she, as Lola, went missing after their affair, killed him, and then is disguising herself with the darker hair and facial piercings. I feel like I may be going out on a limb with this theory but if it pans out, it would intensify the plot.


If you don't have basic cable, you can tune into huluplus and watch this show every Friday or the first episode is free on Hopefully you have already been watching so I didn't spoil anything for you :)

Fun Facts!
You make have recognized a few faces. So did I!

Harry Potter, How to Get Away with Murder, and Sherlock


How to Get Away with Murder
Orange is the New Black 

Friday, August 1, 2014

Hemlock Grove: Honestly Disappointing ***SPOILERS***

The arrival of Hemlock Grove season 2 was much anticipated by
Netflix subscribers but I don't think it really followed through. In the ten episodes produced, only three or four of them were worth watching. What made the first season so great was the dynamic duo between Roman and Peter... oh and the fact that Roman got turned into a vampire by his own mother. The second season started slowly and dragged on for more than half of the season before anything worthwhile happened (i.e. Shelley comes back to the tower, the baby turns out to be some kind of telepathic baby Professor X killer and Olivia kills her sister in law). Thank goodness we learned some backstory on Olivia because she seems to be the only character running the show. Peter turned several times against the moon cycle and Roman almost destroyed his only ability to become something other than a spoiled brat. Everything that made the show great was turned against the characters and made into a hinderance for us to watch. Don't even get me started on the family doctor that turned into some freak-bat beast in the finale. The ending to the first season was so mind-blowing that this made the whole show turn to ash before my very eyes. If they make a season 3, I'll be keeping it on the back burner of my list for a while until I can come to terms with being disappointed again.