Friday, August 1, 2014

Hemlock Grove: Honestly Disappointing ***SPOILERS***

The arrival of Hemlock Grove season 2 was much anticipated by
Netflix subscribers but I don't think it really followed through. In the ten episodes produced, only three or four of them were worth watching. What made the first season so great was the dynamic duo between Roman and Peter... oh and the fact that Roman got turned into a vampire by his own mother. The second season started slowly and dragged on for more than half of the season before anything worthwhile happened (i.e. Shelley comes back to the tower, the baby turns out to be some kind of telepathic baby Professor X killer and Olivia kills her sister in law). Thank goodness we learned some backstory on Olivia because she seems to be the only character running the show. Peter turned several times against the moon cycle and Roman almost destroyed his only ability to become something other than a spoiled brat. Everything that made the show great was turned against the characters and made into a hinderance for us to watch. Don't even get me started on the family doctor that turned into some freak-bat beast in the finale. The ending to the first season was so mind-blowing that this made the whole show turn to ash before my very eyes. If they make a season 3, I'll be keeping it on the back burner of my list for a while until I can come to terms with being disappointed again.

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